Springfield Hedgehog highway designed by local school pupil unveiled
2nd February 2024

Springfield Properties has unveiled the winning hedgehog highway design for their popular Strathkinness development to mark National Hedgehog Day.
The homebuilders teamed up with pupils at Strathkinness Primary School last year tasking the P7’s to design a frame for the ecological corridors.
Through small openings in the fences, the ‘highway’ will connect each garden development just off High Road to allow hedgehogs to safely roam. Working with Fife Council, Springfield agreed to install the openings to enable hedgehogs to roam in gardens which will reduce how far they need to travel to forage for food and reducing road crossings for their safety.
With small hedgehog sketches, mushrooms and a ‘hedgehog highway’ sign, Greta’s woodland themed design was chosen to mark the hedgehog highway in the garden of the 5 bedroom detached Dunrobin show home. Springfield Regional Sales Director, Liz Cleghorn, said:
“All of the designs were imaginative and really well done - it was a challenge to choose just one design to use for the hedgehog highways! Greta’s sketch stood out to us as we felt the woodland theme was a lovely nod to Strathkinness as a beautiful rural village that is home to ample wildlife.
“We welcomed the suggestion to include hedgehog highways as we pride ourselves on delivering high quality homes in developments where careful consideration has been given to the environment and local biodiversity. Hedgehogs are in decline across Scotland and the hedgehog highway is intended to help safeguard those which also call our development home.”
Greta who created the winning design said:
“I don’t really know what inspired my design – the idea just popped into my head. We’ve been learning about the environment at school and I really care about the environment so I was excited to design something that will help the hedgehogs.”
The luxury 4 and 5 bedroom Springfield homes have been incredibly popular given the views and it’s close proximity to St Andrews, prestigious golf courses and the scenic Fife coastline. The environmentally friendly theme continues to the design of the homes in this exclusive development with each including generous levels of insulation, high quality heating systems, PV with the added benefit of solar IBoost to maximise use of the energy produced and cabling for electric car charging points.